Frequently Asked Questions
We have included several of FM Planner’s FAQs that we hope will be useful.
We welcome any questions, so please don’t hesitate to contact us.
FM Planner's FAQs
Is FM Planner right for my business?
One of the main reasons we offer a free trial is to allow you to evaluate our system before purchasing it.
To make the trial more helpful, we have included sample data you can remove.
Sample data helps you see how the system will look once you have entered your information.
If you can answer “YES” to the following points, FM Planner could be helpful to your business…
- Do you issue jobs to either your employees or 3rd party contractors?
- Do you use paper Job Sheets?
- Do you Quote or create Estimates?
- Do you Manage Employees & Client Information?
Look at the pricing options to see what’s best for your business.
Can I add Employees to my plan as we grow?
The simple answer is Yes!
Once you have decided on the best plan for your business (Silver, Gold or Custom), you can add or remove employees from your account as you see fit.
Can you schedule jobs to more than one employee?
Yes, you can.
As long as the individuals are part of your Plan, you can issue jobs whenever you wish.
Can FM Planner help with estimating job profit?
We intentionally decided not to create accountancy software.
However, we realised the importance of basic numerical calculations when providing quotations for new projects. Therefore, we created a separate section in our system that allows users to distinguish between labour and material costs while entering job prices.
This feature serves as a helpful guide for estimating the potential profit of a project.
We believe this feature will help double-check the accuracy of your new quotes.
Can I control access level for each user?
Absolutely! We recognise your business information is precious.
Managing your plan and adding users is easy! Deciding on how much interaction and access to the business information and functions in the system, is completely up to you.
Can I cancel my account at any time?
You are free to cancel the plan at any time you wish.
You will have access to the information until the next scheduled payment is due, so continued access will vary depending on how long after your last payment was made.
Can I upgrade my plan to Gold at any time?
You can upgrade to the next plan at any time.
Remember, you change the account, not the individuals. If you upgrade to “Gold,” all members will be charged at the prevailing rates.
Likewise, if you downgrade to “Silver” the pricing on the account for all members with reduce, as well as losing access to the “Gold” functions for all.
Take a look at the system features page, it may help with your account choice