Video Explainers

Explainer Videos

Account Settings

  • The account settings tab lets users edit or delete profiles, business details, system users, account plans, test data, and quote settings.
  • The My Profile tab enables changes to the primary account user’s name and email address.
  • The Business Details tab allows updates to information for invoices, quotes, and client emails.
  • The Users tab displays who has system access and their user levels and offers options to add or remove users.

Dashboard Video

  • The dashboard includes four sections: “Today’s Jobs,” which displays workload segmented by job name, client, and site. The green number indicates the total number of jobs for the day.
  • “Tomorrow’s Jobs” shows upcoming tasks. Clicking a line reveals job details, with automatic updates reflecting changes in workload.
  • Quote windows display the top five outstanding quotes from the previous and current month, including client/site information, quote name, and sales value.
  • High-level numbers include total sales, cost of sales, and potential profit. Clicking a line takes you to quote details, with updates reflected in live quotes.
  • The view includes a link to a work calendar, directing users to a monthly planner for active jobs.

Quote Settings

  • The Account Details tab displays subscription information, including user allowances, file storage usage, and options to cancel or delete the account.
  • The Quote Settings tab allows users to input business details like address, payment information, and a logo to be automatically included in quotes and job sheets.

Job Explainer

  • The Job Manager operates similarly to the Quote Manager, using “show all” as the default filter and allowing searches by keyword or phrase.
  • Users can drill down into details by pressing any line to edit and update information.

Client Manager

  • The client management section displays clients in alphabetical order, and users can access it by selecting the first letter of their name.
  • Green-coloured addresses represent stored customers at a location; new clients can be added using the button at the top of the screen.

Quote Manager

  • The Quote Manager organises and locates quoted work using a search filter for specific terms.
  • The default view shows all quotes, but you can filter to view quotes in progress or use date filters for specific ranges.
  • Status indicators are colour-coded, and each quote line is clickable for detailed viewing.
  • Changing a quote’s status from completed to invoice dynamically updates the quote progress.

Site Manager

  • The site manager operates similarly to the client manager, allowing you to search for specific locations using an alphabetical display.
  • If the site name begins with a number, use the hash key to narrow down the list, and click on each entry for more information.

Employee Explainer

  • The employee manager’s default view displays all current employees, roles, email addresses, and phone numbers. Users can filter to view past employees if needed.
  • Clicking on an employee’s name provides detailed records and a menu for holidays, absences, training, and storage of employment-related documents.
  • Users can upload documents in relevant sections, such as training certificates, licenses, or insurance documents.

Vehicle Explainer

  • The vehicle manager displays all vehicles’ ID numbers, registration, make, and model, with clickable links for detailed information.
  • The menu enables you to edit vehicle details, complete a checklist, and add documents.
  • The Checklist tab includes a button that allows you to complete and save the checklist for the vehicle.
  • The Documents tab allows you to upload PDFs and create folders for better organisation.